Shin Yamazawa (Chiba, Japan, 1954. Since 1991 he resides in Madrid.)
- 1972-1975
- Tama School of Fine Arts (Japan)
Specialty: Film
Individual Expositions
- 2012
- Regional Science Museum | Turin| Image image (Incanti)
- 2010
- Clorofila digital | Madrid | Look of Bilbao
- 2009
- Hotel Carlton | Bilbao | TAUROMAGIA (Whim of Color)
- Flamenco Culture Center “Amor de Dios” | Madrid | Flamenco day to day
- 2007
- Galileo Culture Center | Madrid | Whim of Color
- Lebaniegos Education Center | Potes | View of the Soul
- 2006
- Zoom Gallery | Santander | View of the Soul
- 2005
- Open Space | Madrid | View of the soul
- La Despernada culture center | Villanueva de Cañada | Whim of Color
- 2002
- Caleidoscopio culture center | Móstoles | Whim of Color
- 2000
- Nájera Gallery | Madrid | Whim of Color
- EFTI Gallery | Madrid | RAÍCES DE ESPAÑA (1991-2000)
- 1996
- Royal Photography Society of Madrid | Flamenco at Midnight
- 1995
- Nikon Photo Salon | Tokio | TRAS LA FAENA (Whim of Color)
- 1994
- Honky Tonk | Madrid | Skin’s Memory
- 1991
- Dentsu Gallery | Tokyo | EL ROCIO
- Asahi Shimbun | Nagoya | SEVILLA
- 1990
- Nikon Photo Salon |Tokyo | Taste of Italy
- 1992
- I APROFOTO Photography Prize (Spain), 2nd Place
Group Expositions
- 2020
- Memorial Yasumasa Toshima Gallery | Tokyo | AOKI SABAKU-Ten(Blue Desert Exhibition)
- 2008
- Iban Zeydoun Expositon Center | ARGEL(ARGELIA) | FLAMENCO PA TÓS
- 2007
- La Boca del Lobo Gallery | Madrid | INTERRUPTUS 4
- Cervantes Insitute | Pekin | FLAMENCO PA TÓS
- 2006
- La Boca del Lobo Gallery | Madrid | INTERRUPTUS 3
- 2005
- College of Medicine | Madrid | FLAMENCO PA TÓS
- La Boca del Lobo Gallery | Madrid | INTERRUPTUS 2
- 2001
- 1997
- BBV Exposition Center | Madrid | MANIFESTACIONES DEL JAPÓN
- 1994
- Caja de Madrid | FLORACIÓN
- Second Annual San Isidro Bullfighting Photography Prize | Madrid
- 1993
- First Annual San Isidro Bullfighting Photography Prize | Madrid
- 2007
- History of Goma Espuma | Spain | View of the soul
- 2006
- Arte Fotográfico magazine | Spain | Naked Moon
- 2002
- The Broadsheet magazine | Spain | Whim of Color
- 2001
- Alfa Style magazine | Spain | Taste of Italy
- Alfa Style magazine | Spain | Whim of Color
- Arte Fotográfico magazine | Spain | DELIRIOS DE SANGRE Y ORO
- Cuaderno magazine | Great Britain, Italy, Spain, United States of America | Taste of Italy
- 1995
- Arte Fotográfico magazine | Spain | Whim of Color
- Nippon Camera magazine | Japan | Whim of Color
- 1991 Be Sure magazine | Japan | Taste of Italy
- 2013
- Viva Vacaciones en el Mediterráneo
- 2014
- Gaudí I
- 2015
- Viva Madrid
- 2016
- Viva Andalucía
- 2018
- Gaudí II